An experiment in the creative portion of my brain to journey down that road where turning back is not an option. I need to find an avenue for my thoughts, dreams, and fantasies to escape out of my head...and perhaps they'll entertain you in the process.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Edge of the Universe (BFF 86)

The Universe, it is vast and endless or so it seems. It symbolizes the infinite and the endless possibilities that can exist given a handful of matter. We are here...somewhere in the midst of this vast expanse...and we are reminded that in the realm of the infinite we are finite, limited. Yet we exist as beings and we are intelligent, thinking beings...and this weighs in our significance as part of the universe. We have the ability to explore and learn and understand what we can about the infinite within our limited, finite state. This is pretty awesome as it makes us unique. And when we look to the other celestial bodies, and count their numbers, it humbles us to know that we have a specific place in all of this.

Everyone has ideas and theories on how it all came to thinking, significant, intelligent beings came into existence. For me, it can be no mistake that I am here, typing away in a specific point and time in our universe into another universe called cyberspace. I was designed, created, thought of, even planned. I personally can’t buy into the idea that I am here solely because of some cosmic explosion. No, I have to believe there was a Divine Hand in the process that brought us forth...and our existence is not only is meaningful and purposeful.

Our kind may never reach the edge of the universe. We may never understand all there is to know about far away galaxies and solar systems. But it is comforting to know that even in our limited understandings, we have the ability and the potential to glimpse out at the universe and contemplate our own understanding of that very Hand that brought forth our existence.
This is my weekly submission to the BFF group on the topic of "The Universe"  If you enjoy a writing challenge and would like to participate, click here to join the facebook group BFF (Blogging for Fun).


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