An experiment in the creative portion of my brain to journey down that road where turning back is not an option. I need to find an avenue for my thoughts, dreams, and fantasies to escape out of my head...and perhaps they'll entertain you in the process.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Shy Moon

I have a secret, somewhere here...
In my do I share?

Somewhere deep down I'm hurting...

My insides ache and my head is light
And I feel abandoned by those in sight.

I can't find the words
nor do I say what I know
When my eyes meet yours
They avert and they don't show.

A piece was never put in place
In my heart there's an empty space.

One day soon...the hurt will stop

I'll meet your eyes

And mean my smile.

Find the words

And let you in on my secret.


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